
15 Uhr 30 Grußbotschaft von FIAT-Arbeitern aus Italien

*28 June 2012*

**Dear Comrades in Bochum and in Paris, der Opel/GM and PSA workers,

Fiom-Cgil and italian metalworkers want to express their solidarity with
all of you, struggling against the decision of GM to close down two
plants in Europe, using the global crisis,  like many other
multinationals are doing, attacking workers' rights and working
conditions. Dear workers, your struggle is also our struggle, the
struggle of Fiat workers and thousands of italian metalworkers who have
been and still are fighting against plants closures, against dismissals
and against the attack to Union's and workers' liberties and rights.

Fiom-Cgil and italian metalworkers stand beside workers in Germany,
Spain and France in this european day of action and beside all the
Opel/GM and PSA workers.

Let's strengthen international solidarity and resistence

Alessandra Mecozzi
International Secretary Fiom-CgilGrußbotschaft von FIAT-Arbeitern aus Italien